Tag: Nginx
Flash Video (FLV) Streaming With Nginx
14 Oct2006

I was looking forward for this feature for last 3 months! And at last, it is there! Now, nginx works on our streaming servers perfectly and flv streaming will not be Lighttpd’s unique feature anymore. 🙂 This post is about how to use new Nginx module http_flv_module introduced in 0.4.7 (but there was a bug in its implementation, that can be fixed with my patch) and made completely perfect in 0.4.8.

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Compiling nginx in RedHat Linux: PCRE library problem
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30 Aug2006

If you will try to compile nginx in Redhat Linux, you can get following error even if you have pcre-devel package installed:

Configuration summary
  + threads are not used
  + PCRE library is not found
./configure: error: the HTTP rewrite module requires the PCRE library.
You can either disable the module by using --without-http_rewrite_module
option, or install the PCRE library into the system, or build the PCRE library
statically from the source with nginx by using --with-pcre=<path> option.

If you are experiencing this small problem, you should simply use following parameter of configure script:

# ./configure --with-cc-opt="-I /usr/include/pcre"

And voila!

  + using system PCRE library

Now it can see and will use system PCRE library.

Looking For Optimal Solution: Benchmark Results Summary and Findings
28 Aug2006

Aftrer my previous post about high-performance RoR deployment methods, I’ve got lots of messages/emails/IM conversations about some errors in previous benchmarks and there were lots of suggestions about extending of tested software set and modifying testing methodology. So, that is why I decided to perform deep and wide performance testing for all deployment schemes I can find. In this article you can find description of testing methodology and, of course, benchmarks results. If you want to know details of specific software setup, take a look at articles in category “Ruby On Rails” to find all articles from “Looking for optimal Solution” series (I’ll post all of them in next few days).

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High-Performance Ruby On Rails Setups Test: mongrel vs lighttpd vs nginx
22 Aug2006

Because of not fully correct testing methodology, benchmark results are not fully correct. So, I decided to redo all tests. New benchmark results you can get in “Looking For Optimal Solution” series Summary post.

This week we have started one new project with Ruby on Rails as primary framework. My first task was to prepare runtime environment for it on one of our development servers. When I have tried to research how people doing it, I noted that there is no information about how to deploy rails application with nginx as frontend and what is performance of such solution. Before blindly make any decisions about future platform I’ve decided to make some performance tests of the some most popular rails web servers/frontends. Results of these tests you can find here with configuration samples for all software that I have used.

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