Tag: Nginx
Using Nginx As Reverse-Proxy Server On High-Loaded Sites
18 May2006

Two weeks ago we have started new version of one of our primary web projects and have started very massive advertisement campaign to promote this web site. As the result of that advertisements, our outgoing traffic has been increased to 200-250Mbit/s from only one server! In this article I will describe, how to build stable and efficient web site with two-layer architecture (with frontend + backend web servers) or how to modify your current server configuration to get additional resources to handle more requests.

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Monitoring nginx Server Statistics With rrdtool
29 Apr2006

Few days ago I have installed nginx on one of our adult projects as reverse proxy server and for static files management. Yesterday this server got 200Mbit/sec traffic and because all admins like to create miscellaneous graphs, I have decided to draw nginx stats on graphs to see server load not only in megabits and load averages. As the result, I have created perl script, which uses RRDs perl module to create and manage rrd-database and very beautiful graphs.

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Nginx – Small, But Very Powerful and Efficient Web Server
4 Apr2006

Today, I want to describe one of the interesting tools I am using in my job. This tool is nginx – small, but very powerful and efficient web server created by Igor Sysoev for large Russian web company Rambler and kindly provided by open-source community. This server can be used as standalone HTTP-server and as reverse proxy server before some Apache or another “big” server” to reduce load to backend server by many concurrent HTTP-sessions. As standalone web server, nginx can easily handle huge http-load on static files (images, html-pages, etc).

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