Tag: admin
Enabling IPv6 Support in nginx
16 Jan2010

This is going to be a really short post, but for someone it could save an hour of life.

So, you’ve nothing to do and you’ve decided to play around with IPv6 or maybe you’re happened to be an administrator of a web service that needs to support IPv6 connectivity and you need to make your nginx server work nicely with this protocol.

First thing you need to do is to enable IPv6 in nginx by recompiling it with --with-ipv6 configure option and reinstalling it. If you use some pre-built package, check if your nginx already has this key enabled by running nginx -V.

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Troubleshooting UNIX Systems with lsof
30 Mar2006

One of the main tasks of any administrator is to create stable environment for different sorts of businesses. Big part of this task is troubleshooting. There are many different tools in UNIX for system monitoring, but, at my mind, one of the most useful tools is lsof- one of the least-talked-about tools in a UNIX sysadmin’s toolkit. Lsof lists information about files opened by processes. But that’s really an understatement.

Most people forget that, in UNIX, (almost) everything is a file. The OS makes hardware available to applications by way of files in /dev. Kernel, system, memory, device etc. information in made available inside files in /proc. TCP/UDP sockets are sometimes represented internally as files. Even directories are really just files containing other filenames.

Lsof works by examining kernel data-structures and provides a variety of information related to files, pipes, sockets and more.

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