Category: Blog
The Blog v.2.0
20 Jul2009

Long time ago, in 2002 I decided to create my own point of presence in the Internet. Back then I’ve got pretty nice domain (, hacked up a few pages on php, added a guestbook and that was it. Many years it was almost static and I did a few updates on my resume page few times a year. Later I’ve switched the site to wordpress to make it easier to manage my resume and stuff

And 3 years ago in March 2006 I’ve decided to start my own blog. I took a standard template and started the blog on a separate domain while the domain was on its own domain name… This spring my wife made me a great birthday present – she’s created me a custom blog design that has all the stuff I wanted from my own web site for a long time. My friend Dima Shteflyuk has helped me with creating a wordpress template from Tanya’s mockups and here we are – now I’ve decided to merge my blog and my web site into a single web entity called Welcome to my new blog/site/whatever!

[lang_en]New Job, New Country, New Life![/lang_en][lang_ru]Новая работа, страна и жизнь![/lang_ru]
10 Aug2006


I apologize for the lack of posting on my blog. Life has been pretty busy as last month I started a new job as Senior System Administrator in Toronto, On at a leading video hosting community.

I am very excited about this job and look forward to working with a great team that is really passionate about what they are doing.

As time goes by I will be posting more. At the moment, thanks for staying tuned.



Хочу извиниться, за продолжительный перерыв в жизни блога. Так уж вышло, что последнее время был очень занят в связи с тем, что я переехал в Торонто (Канада) и получил позицию Senior System Administrator в одной из мощных компаний, занимающихся видеохостингом.

Новой работой очень доволен – хорошая команда, инетресные проекты и гора новых знаний в области high performance solutions.

В скором времени обещаю писать в блог чаще, а пока – спасибо за то, что продолжаете читать блог.


First post
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26 Feb2006

Yeah! This is my first post on my own blog!
I glad to see You here and I’m saying “Welcome!” to you, stranger. Here You will be able to read my notes about my admin’s life, about some interesting news in IT world, maybe some links to interesting web resources.

If You have any comments about my posts, You can write it here – I will be glad to hear from You.

Thanks for reading. Will see You next time at ‘Homo-Adminus Blog’.