Command Line History
28 Apr2008

Inspired by the Rail Spikes:

bash-3.2$ history 1000 | awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | sort -rn | head
228 cd
167 git
10 ssh
10 DEPLOY=production
6 sudo
6 pwd
6 ./script/import_views.rb
5 rm
4 rake
4 mv

Really interesting stats, I’d never guess that git is used more than ssh on my desktop (I’m a remote worker and mysql consultant so I ssh really often). ๐Ÿ™‚

MySQL UC 2008 Presentations
18 Apr2008

Since I wasn’t able to get to this year’s MySQL UC (employer change caused problems with US visa obtaining and I didn’t get visa in time) I’m really interested in all presentations people are posting after their sessions. I decided to collect them all in one place and would like to share with others – maybe someone will find it interesting to read what people have to say about many interesting aspects of MySQL usage.

So, I’ve created a folder in my account which you could use (and track using RSS readers) to find out what interesting presentations were published. You can use either my account or mysqluc08 folder there. One more possible option to track mysqluc presentations/documents is using our tagging (I tag all my docs with mysqluc08 tag).

InnoDB Recovery toolset Version 0.3 Released
14 Apr2008

Even though I didn’t go to MySQL conf this year (really sad about this), this week is gonna be most active in the community so I decided to do some community stuff too ๐Ÿ™‚ Today I’ve released version 0.3 of our innodb recovery toolkit. Now it became much faster, stable and accurate. At this moment it is possible to recover almost any table from corrupted/deleted tablespace without so much effort as it was before. Here is a short changes list (since 0.1 announced here):

  • More MySQL data types added: DECIMAL (both old and new), DATE, TIME
  • CHAR data type handling improved in table definitions generator
  • Indexes filtering added to page_parser
  • 64-bit stat() support added to all tools
  • Linux has no isnumber() function so we define our own implementation (pretty simple)
  • Lots of fixes in script – now it generates definitions which could recover your data in 80% cases w/o any changes.
  • Min/max record size calculation fixed in constraints-based parser.
  • Nullable fixed-size columns support is fixed.
  • Debug logging is much cleaner now.

As always, if you need any help with your recovery, we would love to help.